Looking for a new Job in Oregon?

In Oregon, USA, jobs, careers, and employment opportunities are diverse and plentiful across sectors such as technology, healthcare, manufacturing, tourism, and agriculture. The state's stunning natural landscapes, progressive culture, and strong commitment to sustainability attract businesses and job seekers alike. Government initiatives promoting innovation, workforce development, and environmental stewardship further enrich the employment landscape. Despite challenges such as housing affordability and economic fluctuations, Oregon offers individuals numerous pathways to build fulfilling careers and contribute to its vibrant and forward-thinking communities.

Find Oregon Jobs with ZipRecruiter

Once you create your FREE account and upload your resume, our AI matching technology will send you relevant jobs—right away! You can also job search on your own using filters such as keyword, location, and salary. As you apply to jobs, our powerful AI technology learns from your behavior to find you more jobs we think you’ll like. We’ll even notify you once your application is viewed by an employer. [Read More]

Ready to start your job search? Visit ZipRecruiter.com today!

Oregon Jobs on Resume Library

Resume-Library is one of the leading U.S. job boards, ready to assist with every aspect of your job hunt. Resume-Library is America's Fastest-Growing Job Board - with over 12 million resumes and over 500,000 new registrations every month! 

Upload your resume and use our advanced searching tool to browse jobs, from over 50 different industries. Our Career Advice, written by industry experts, will support you from job search, to interview, and beyond.

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