It can be challenging getting your job posts in front of the right candidates. That’s where ZipRecruiter—the smartest way to hire—comes in. Unlike mainstream job boards, ZipRecruiter doesn’t just wait for candidates to apply. When you post a job, they distribute your post to 100+ job boards* across the web. Then, their smart technology actively scans millions of resumes and job seeker profiles and invites quality candidates to apply—making recruiting and hiring faster than ever.

Try ZipRecruiter for FREE today!

Unlike mainstream job posting sites, ZipRecruiter doesn’t wait for candidates to apply to your job. Once you post, our targeting technology actively scans millions of resumes and job seeker profiles on ZipRecruiter and across our network of 100+ job boards** and actively invites qualified candidates to apply.

*Based on TrustPilot ratings of hiring sites with over 1,000 reviews.

With technology this smart, it’s no wonder that 80% of employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a qualified candidate through the site within the first day.

That’s how ZipRecruiter works.

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